Home Christmas Themes New Zealand
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A native migrant that is welcomed as the harbinger of spring

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New Zealand, Hanging Birds, Hanging NZ Sparkly Decorations


 A New Zealand native migrant that overwinters in Bismarck Archipelago (New Guinea) or Solomon Islands. Shining cuckoos have the ability to eat toxic insects like hairy caterpillars and ladybirds that other native NZ birds avoid. The cuckoo's song in New Zealand marks the beginning of spring. The New Zealand shining cuckoo sub-species only breeds in New Zealand, incl Chatham Islands. The other sub-species breed in southern Austarila, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Solomon Islands.

There is a Maori proverb "If the Pipwhararoa cries it is the messenger of Spring". On the first hearing of the season of the Pipiwhararoa there is a Maori song that is often sung. One of the favorite landing places of the Pipiwhararoa in the Managanui Bluff. Where the bird may be seen in numbers after their spring arrival, generally in a state of exhaustion.

The Pipiwharauroa has never won Bird of the Year. Voting is in apx October/November every year and is always an exciting and heavily competed contest.

The Pipiwharauroa sparkly decoration was introduced in 2019.

This decoration is made of fabric, sequins, beads and coloured metallic threads. It is nice and light for posting. If you need to send them internationally we can do it for you. Handy information - The cost to send up to 10x NZ Bird sparkly decorations to the same international address is the same as sending 1x.


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