Sparkly NZ Bird, Orange-Fronted Parakeet / Kakariki Karaka 13cm
13x5cm. This parakeet is endemic to New Zealand
New Zealand, Hanging Birds, Hanging NZ Sparkly Decorations
The Kakariki Karaka is a rare, cryptic and quite natured bird. Very unlike its cousin the Red Crowned Parakeet / Kaka-wairiki, which is friendly, boisterous and is not shy of loud noises. It is often confused with its other elusive cousin the Yellow Crown Parakeet / Kakariki Kowhai. The conservation status Kakariki Karaka is considered to be Nationally Critical.The Kakariki Karaka use to be abundant throughout New Zealand but is now confined to four South Island beech forest valleys. Plus, four offshore islands where captive-reared birds have been released. With the Kakariki Karaka being so shy it is hard to gauge the population. Estimates indicate there are probably fewer than 100 mature Kakariki Karaka on mainland and perhaps 200-300 on offshore islands.
The main predators of the Kakariki Karaka eggs and nestlings are rats, stoats and possums. The fledglings are easy targets for cats. Continual habitat modification from possums and deer are also a threat. There is a threat of competition from introduced bird species, in the form of starlings who have been known to 'evict' the Kakariki Karaka from their nesting barrow. Also, of concern is PBFD, Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease.
The Kakariki won Bird of the Year in 2010. This for the "Kakariki family group" rather than the Kakariki Karaka. It only takes one person to campion a bird in the competition and even though the Kakariki is a little bit of an introvert it would relish the show of support. Voting is in apx October/November every year and is always an exciting and heavily competed contest.
The Red Crowned Parakeet / Kaka-wairiki sparkly decoration was introduced in 2018. The nationally critical endemic Orange-Fronted Parakeet / Kakariki Karaka was introduced in 2023.
This decoration is made of fabric, sequins, beads and coloured metallic threads. It is nice and light for posting. If you need to send them internationally we can do it for you. Handy information - The cost to send up to 10x NZ Bird sparkly decorations to the same international address is the same as sending 1x.